Sunday, January 25, 2009

[i wish i was a girl]

and i'm going down to hollywood
they're gonna make a movie from the things
that they find crawlin' round my brain

-counting crows

[keep it safe and slow]

highlights from chi:

happy surprises: jory's face upon seeing megan, rocketing through the dark, playing with the garmin, good conversation, musical interlude, making it to the porches, once again home.

dirty dancing: megan and i wandered around the city on a search, almost died going up steel steps, and danced like nobody's business while pretending to be girlfriends in an attempt to avoid undesirable attention, fake kiss included.

late night pizza talk: chuck and i talked over the world's best pizza, late into the night. it is in these moments that the world seems right.

slug-a-bed: waking up at eight to a phantom alarm. pizza for breakfast. surgeon general's warning - be advised, yellow blanket is crack in blanket form. may induce coma like state for greater part of the day. waking up softly to sigur ros. burritos and pictures of days gone by. talking away the day away in drowsy tones.

communal dinner: adventures in dominick's for stir fry, maneuvering around chacho's to make our delicious meal, BREAD AND BRIE, love in the kitchen in teasing form, SWEET MANDY B'S cupcake delights. sweet mandy b's, you have my soul for all eternity. smoking hot red beans and rice. my mouth is still on fire. who thought it was a good idea to shovel through it?

silly scrabble: clowds, nintndooee, iqratch, twee, tlee, vd - love the madness. during that game i laughed harder than i've laughed in a good, long time.

(side note: apparently i laugh like santa clause, and thus the logical conclusion is that i am secretly married to the man with a bowl full of jelly and a magnificent beard.)

quiet knight inside: movie time at the porches. curled up, picking apart one of the better movies i've seen. early night with mysterious lights on.

grey morning: chicago bagel authority - they sure know what they're talking about, instigating an aluminum foil war, nefarious strategery, laughs along the walk back. "i'm going to get into the car and fall asleep" "oh, thank god", parking ticket delights, close hugs goodbye.

on the road again: getting lost trying to find gas, "do you know where you're at? be careful.", panera love, quiet talks of everything, more hugs goodbye.

another adventure in chicago gone by. what is it about that city that is so good?
it is the people we find that make homes in our hearts who are carried with us wherever we go.
so home is just another word for you, friend.
and all is love.

peace all.

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