Sunday, March 8, 2009


fly me high
on an angel's wing

-foy vance


why is it that when i do laundry, there's always that one infernal sock that seems to have lost it's partner? where does that dang sock go? one of these days i'm going to get in the dryer with my socks to see what portal they fall through...

why is it that when the snows melt, the rains falls, and the temperatures rise my head goes out the window? i'm in a total and utter state of non-motivation. slackerhood. i'm never going to get a teaching job, at this rate.

why is it that when i lose an hour, i still choose to disregard all the work i need to accomplish and instead spend my time wandering aimlessly around my empty house? everyone's gone for spring break, why do i still feel like someone's going to come home any minute?

one of these days....

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