Saturday, June 27, 2009


put your elbows on the table
i will listen long as i am able
there's nowhere i'd rather be

-over the rhine

[celebrate the whole world]

i'm not entirely sure how i'm at this point in my life.
but somehow i made it.
i'm moving tomorrow.
not staying, of course. just moving.
eighteen hours in the van with my parents.

it only makes sense that i was so blindsided by this moving business, i've been at camp. when you're at camp, you're entirely there. your whole world is camp. and whoa baby, has this week been an adventure of epic proportions.

let's just call this first session homesickness/bodily fluids week.

never have i ever cleaned up so much vomit.
never have i ever witnessed so much dehydration.
never have i ever consoled so many homesick campers.
never have i ever dispersed so much itching cream.
never have i ever felt so at home, and so happy.

camp is made for campers, and god knows i love working with them. it felt so good to be needed, even appreciated by the campers. they all seemed to know my name and want to talk to me :) drama performed a skit all about schistosomes in which the punchline revolved around me accidentally ordering sand from an itching powder company. brilliant work, boys and dramatists. helping blackfoot plan their chapel was probably a highlight of the week. man, i miss having a cabin.

the waterfront is, per usual, an s.s., but the problems are slowly resolving themselves. the electricity's back to normal, the mooring posts are marked with dive buoys, and no one's died in the yellow section yet. so now dom and eric are running the show. good luck, my dears. i'll be back for sess. 3. or is it technically session 4....? this awkward half-ish session was not one of the greatest ideas ever. i'm curious to see how the campers and staff are handling fifty kids, thirty of whom are stayovers, for four days. i hope there's documentation :)

of course, i've neglected this blog terribly! i haven't even written about staff orientation (which, naturally, was an s.s. as well, since we were dismally disorganized!). i'm madly in love with the staff, they appear to be one of the best i've worked with ... we'll see how the summer shapes up. it's so great to work with all the returners, whom i love dearly, and the new folks are fantastic. so here's to a summer like none other, one more on the shores of Big Blue. truly, it is home, and i cannot wait to get back and be all up in it.

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