Monday, June 29, 2009


oh cecilia, i'm down on my knees
i'm begging you please to come home

-simon & garfunkel

[hotel song]

welp, i'm back here again. another hotel. with the family.
but this time WE'VE MADE IT!
we're in Denver.
we're moving my things in tomorrow.
it's all real.
it's all happening!
and it feels right.

driving away from camp i was more homesick than i've ever been in my entire life. isn't it strange, how i've never been homesick for the place i grew up as a child, but now at 23 years old, i am homesick for the place that i've experienced the most growth and so much love and support. literally, i was a mess in the car yesterday, texting everyone i could think of at camp. did the same thing today, i won't lie about that.

but for as awful as it felt to leave camp, it feels so good to be here now. i know that Denver is the place for me at this point in my life. do i have to stay here forever? of course not. will i stay as long as i need to? of course. i don't plan on settling anytime soon, and i know that places like Seattle and Chicago are calling me still. but I plan on enjoying the hell out of Denver while i'm here.

it seems strange to be so grown up, having everything in my name. it all belongs to me. and i can afford it. whew. yet with that all comes responsibilities, namely for the children i will be teaching. that's another thing. in the car i was worrying about teaching and how everything will happen, but then i had this dream.

...and we all know dreams are your mind's way of processing your feelings and happenings of your life....

and in my dream i was in the classroom and all the kids were really noisy, but all it took was for me to say that i knew how they were expected to behave, and that quieted them down and they got to work.

...dream message interpreted: yes, i know damn well how to do my job. i've got all the skills and confidence in the world, as well as support from my co-workers and friends. and i will go in there and be successful, no matter what...

yay for sleeping most of the trip.
Kansas, you are BEYOND boring. sayonara, and good riddance.
hello, mountains :) i'm home.

rocky mountain high, indeed.

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