Thursday, September 10, 2009

[sinning hands]

the river still may rise
wild and water take us both
mine are sinning hands
take our bodies, take our clothes

-iron & wine


oh, immerse me in the music, in the noise and sound
until my pores overflow, until my lungs fill
and all i breathe are the notes,
the feelings in me rise and swell with the crescendo,
the rhythm of my body, of my mind,
all blend with the chords in progression as they
march down my spine,
washing away the dirty film, the tensions of the day
at rest, have gone away.

[porch rose rust]

there's a woman down the street
with roses on her porch
cultivating beauty amidst the mire
spiraling forth from the earth
a natural beacon, haven for
perfumed thoughts and winged hopes.

there's a woman down the street
she's selling her roses
like she's selling her soul.
the swinging sign in the yard reads
"for sale, inquire within"
and on her face, the chagrin
in wrinkled lines tells many tales.

yes, she's selling her roses,
like she's selling her soul.

there's a woman down the street
and she's in her two feet
and she feels love
while water streams down
filling in the cracks
of the vines that rise up.
they are striving for the sun.

oh, she's selling her roses
while the porch swing rusts.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

[gravity rides everything]

oh, gotta see, gotta know right now
what's that riding on your everything?

-modest mouse

[arms of a thief]

sometimes, somanythoughtsracethroughmyheadit'shardtoslowdownandunderstandwhat'sgoingon.

here's a list of some silly, inane thoughts that go through my head...

1. i will contract some horrible disease like salmonella from my dishes, which do not get washed by a dishwasher but instead are washed by yours truly - and i doubt my washing abilities...

2. my mail will never come because the nameplate on my mailbox has not been changed from McLaughlin yet and will all be labeled "return to sender". i exist here, i swear!

3. my students are unwittingly acting out "Lord of the Flies" with the substitute while i'm gone at Language! (the publishers put in the exclamation point, not me) training all this week.

4. i will wake up tomorrow morning to find that my knees have ceased to work, due to the fact that i run quite hard, and quite possibly improperly (Dom never fails to mention my "prancing"...).

oh, how the list goes on. unfortunately, i am truly my mother's daughter in the way i worry, just as my mother is her mother's daughter...i come by it honestly, there's a long line of Carry women that worry incessantly. the only difference in my case is that i realize i worry about little things, and i can put it all into perspective and STOP worrying.

time for an early night, there's LOTSANDLOTS to do tomorrow, as always :)

goodnight, dears.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

[wagon wheel]

i am an old woman
named after my mother

-old crow medicine show

[crash into me]

do you ever feel that on certain days you're a certain age?
i mean, i'm definitely not 23 every day of my life. most days, i feel like i'm 12. moving out here, i've felt all of about 5. this evening, i'm approximately 82.

getting out of my chair just now, every muscle groaned in vehement protest.
sometimes, i wonder why i do it.
run, i mean.
it's delightfully, terribly, masochistic.

but overall, it's just so good.

love for now.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

[busted stuff]

rolling stone gathers no moss
but leaves a trail of busted stuff

-dave matthews band

[diggin' ditches]

...and filling them back in.

so much has happened in the time between my last post and now.

major things:

*joined the YMCA out here and will be spinning :)
*had a child tell me "i don't write." ..... this kiddo will be a challenge, to say the least.
*bought a new car!
*was taken out on a date with the guy who sold me my Tiguan.
*went to the mountains and played yesterday (for the first time)
*visited breckenridge and purchased a snowboard setup (it's already been decided that someone WILL be following me around on my first several runs, as i will be falling flat on my face.)
*was asked by my 5th grade team if i would be willing to teach science...this would mean teaching HUMAN DEVELOPMENT. yay, sex ed. we'll see if i actually end up teaching it.

baby, things move fast around here. that's why i love sundays, especially on a long weekend. it's time to take life slow, do the things i want to do without the pressure of getting things done for monday.
so here's to rolling, and rolling slow on an easy sunday.