Wednesday, September 9, 2009

[gravity rides everything]

oh, gotta see, gotta know right now
what's that riding on your everything?

-modest mouse

[arms of a thief]

sometimes, somanythoughtsracethroughmyheadit'shardtoslowdownandunderstandwhat'sgoingon.

here's a list of some silly, inane thoughts that go through my head...

1. i will contract some horrible disease like salmonella from my dishes, which do not get washed by a dishwasher but instead are washed by yours truly - and i doubt my washing abilities...

2. my mail will never come because the nameplate on my mailbox has not been changed from McLaughlin yet and will all be labeled "return to sender". i exist here, i swear!

3. my students are unwittingly acting out "Lord of the Flies" with the substitute while i'm gone at Language! (the publishers put in the exclamation point, not me) training all this week.

4. i will wake up tomorrow morning to find that my knees have ceased to work, due to the fact that i run quite hard, and quite possibly improperly (Dom never fails to mention my "prancing"...).

oh, how the list goes on. unfortunately, i am truly my mother's daughter in the way i worry, just as my mother is her mother's daughter...i come by it honestly, there's a long line of Carry women that worry incessantly. the only difference in my case is that i realize i worry about little things, and i can put it all into perspective and STOP worrying.

time for an early night, there's LOTSANDLOTS to do tomorrow, as always :)

goodnight, dears.

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