Sunday, May 23, 2010

[lie in our graves]

when i step into the light
my arms are open wide
when i step into the light
my eyes searching wildly
would you not like to be
sitting on top of the world with
your legs hanging free

-dave matthews band

[i dreamed a dream]

well, it's finally here.
the last week of school is upon me.
it is a strange, wonderful, exhilarating, and slightly sobering feeling all at once.
i love my students, but i know it's time. i'm ready for a break.
the sobering part is wondering what to do with all the time given to me....

it is slightly unsettling to have an entire summer open before me. it makes me wonder, will i be okay without water? without sand? without a schedule? without Pendy friends?

the answer is obviously yes, though i know i cannot go a whole summer without a dose of camp goodness, that necessary reaffirmation of life and love and appreciation of the bare essentials. i'll be back to visit for a week, just to give myself a little boost. but in the meantime....

this is my summer.

*climbing 14ers with Phil
*playing by the pool
*training for the Denver marathon
*kayaking down the Arkansas River
*visits from Juice and the Attwood interns
*Telluride Bluegrass Festival
*working on my Chaco tan lines :)
*road-tripping home for some Pendy love, family reunions, and quality time Up North with the fam
*pictures, pictures, pictures
*learning how to paint and throw pots
*prepping for next year with school friends by visiting flea markets and teacher stores
*possibly finding a job as a lifeguard.....(we'll see about that one!)

the first big adventure has almost come to a close, and i'm upon the brink of the next.
sometimes the unknown is scary, but i'm going in headfirst. see you at the top of the world, my legs dangling over the edge:)


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