Saturday, December 13, 2008

[silent all these years]

i got the anti-christ in the kitchen
yellin' at me again
yeah i hear that

-tori amos

[in this way we are wise]


...well, done with one semester, anyway. i've still got one more left, my final semester ever in college. three months of teaching and classes and i'll be certified and ready to go out into the world.

yeah. it feels good.

last night my fellow interns and i hit the town and celebrated in a way we haven't been able to all year. at the bar, of course :) we spent the night laughing at doitability, the woodcock-johnson (legit, this is the title of an assessment battery i have had to administer to my students - it's the most unfortunate union of names i have ever heard), and all the ridiculous things our students have said. it was a joyful gust of releashed tensions, pent up aggressions, and venting sessions. what a euphoric noise. and what a way to go out, with bells on our toes.

this past week i had the distinct pleasure of eating coldstone creamery with Beth, Craig, Scott, and Kendra. we laughed, nearly choking on our over-priced yet still delicious ice cream, doubling over about ridiculous things. in the midst of it all, my roommate called, wondering if i was still alive (i realized i neglected to tell them i wouldn't be at school for two felt good to know that they care). talking the night away with such good people, celebrating what it means to truly be alive. that night will stay with me for a long time to come.

this week has been one in which i fell off the normal bus and into some kind of alice in wonderland hole. everything has been upside down, and centers around my trip home for two days for a class in restorative justice. i took this class for two days in downtown wayne, and am now certified to facilitate restorative justice conferences. these sessions involve bringing the community together to repair the damage done in criminal situations. the teaching sessions involved a lot of role play, and yours truly took the award for best actress :) i think it had something to do with my crying on command for one of the characters i played. in attending, i was able to network with several teachers and principals from the novi and hamtramack areas, an invaluable experience that will hopefully serve me in the future when i am searching for jobs. the facilitator also commented on how he appreciated my presence at this session, it's not often that he gets people that are so willing to get out of their comfort zone and engage in the process of restorative justice.

yeah, i hear that.
and it feels good.

because not too many years ago, i would have been the shy girl in the corner that did exactly what she was supposed to, nothing more, nothing less. truly, i have to attribute my now "out there" personality (a term bestowed upon me this year by my extremely eccentric math professor) to camp. if not for camp, the people there, and the situations i have been put in, i would not be the person i am today. i am a part of all i have met, and i am infinitely glad and grateful to have met such wonderful, inspirational human beings. you have no idea how much i love and respect you, and will carry a piece of you with me always. you will never be forgotten.

i am fortunate enough to be seeing many of these people tonight. so, in the spirit of the topsy turvy, slightly celebratory week, i am venturing out into the cold to grand valley, to dance the night away in nothing less than the ugliest sweater imaginable with some of my favorite people. it's so good to be alive.

here's to the night, and here's to living for the moment.
truly, in this way we are wise.

peace (to all, for all)

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