Wednesday, August 26, 2009

[black balloon]

i saw the world spin beneath you
and it scattered like ice from the spoon

-goo goo dolls

[absolutely normal chaos]

houston, we have achieved something like normalcy today!
corny, i know, but when you're all up in the beginning of the schoolyear, things are an absolute show, and doubly so if you're in special ed.
i got my kids for BOTH writing and math today for the first time, yay!
had a great talk with my principal, we're on the same page and making changes to my schedule (go figure, something new!) that will allow me to better help my students, double yay!

outside of school...yes, i sort of have a life outside of the purple building....i got to talk to an old friend who really reminded me of all the things i love to do and had planned on doing once i got out here and got settled. it's strange to think that it's possible to forget the things you actually want to do, but in the chaos of figuring out everything i had to do, my own personal interests got shoved aside.

here's the (ever-growing) list.

1.learn the cello
2. join an orchestra
3. learn to snowboard
4. join a photographer's association
5. hiking/camping (club, maybe?)
6. take up yoga/spinning at the Y (Spo, i'm going to make you proud ;)

so i whipped out my flute and blew away the dust tonight after that inspirational phone call. MAN it felt good to pick it up and make music once more. i had forgotten what a simple pleasure that was. looking over my sheet music i realized - i used to be good. i hope to be so once more.
what i'm trying to say is twofold: one - thanks Will, it's always wonderful to talk with you, and two - i'm super excited about what the future will bring.
i've already started on it.
here's to checking off that list of loving life.

here, in this hour, it is just me, a cup of tea, the goo goo dolls, and ayn rand's "atlas shrugged."
round two, here i come.


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