Sunday, March 7, 2010


and it's not hard to grow
when you know that you just
don't know

-damien rice

[one round home]

i think it's funny to see who we end up with in life.

there are people in your life that come and go. they enter suddenly, leave an imprint, a memory, a feeling, possibly carve a niche in your heart, then go, sometimes just as abruptly. their time may be brief, it may be a summer, it may be years. but just as we ourselves grow and change, so do the people in our lives. not everyone is meant to stay, but the ones that made a difference will always be remembered. Kristin Chenoweth said it best when she said, "you'll be with me, like a handprint on my heart."

and then there are the people that stay. (i'm exploring that one. more to come)

so here's to lovely weekends playing with pottery, irish pubs, and frolicking in the spring-like sun.
and here's to exploring.


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