Tuesday, March 2, 2010

[forever young]

talk some shit
forever young is in your mind
leave a mark they can't erase


[do you remember]

a lima bean plant grows in Commerce City.

in the meantime, a schedule also grows in Commerce City.
more specifically, in my modular.

the picture you behold contains the documents from just this past week's scheduling fiascos with the infamous CSAP (that monster of a test that demands advanced performance from Colorado students). i have literally been inundated with bits and pieces information which have caused me to perform countless revisions, write a billion emails, and all KINDS of organizing that has left me with a giant headache and a craving for Ben and Jerry's (my two favorite ice cream men.) in the wake of preparation for this life-changing event, i've managed to knock down a small forest.

CSAP, which has been looming ominously in the horizon, is finally and unfortunately upon me. it will take over my life for not one, not two, but three weeks of my life - just as i've gotten my 5th graders to bloom as brilliantly as my plant with their learning and just as i've recently inherited 8 new 4th graders after a fellow learning specialist was taken from the building (which caused yet ANOTHER scheduling change. big surprise.)

the thing about special ed is that it never stops changing and you never stop scheduling.

so here's to three weeks of students showing what they know and three weeks of providing accommodations so that those students can shine.


is it April yet?


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