Thursday, March 25, 2010

[the general]

so take your shower and shine your shoes
you've got no time to lose


[simple life]

a random listing of mish-mash...

1. um, excuse me, but how is it MARCH 25th already???

who said this could happen so suddenly?

i'm pretty sure just yesterday i was in the midst of csap, i was just at home for Christmas break, i was just pondering the thought of Tofurkey, i was just packing and getting ready to move out here.

i'm not sure how time works, but whoa. spring break is only 6 teaching days, 4 tests, and 1 IEP meeting away :) one of the many perks of teaching are the breaks....go figure.

2. there are two ways to identify your arrival into Commerce City: 1. the smell. there's always some ghastly, sulfurous stench as soon as you pass the welcome sign. 2. the massive amount of semi-trucks that crowd the streets, creating an impassable roadblock of infuriatingly slow speeds. it makes me happy to be there. really.

3. random phone calls and text messages from friends keep me grounded. out here it's sometimes easy to forget who you are and what you came from...until you have the little message icon on your phone's screen from people you camped with, taught with, drank with, and enjoyed life with back home.

4. camp never leaves you. i donned my rain jacket on Tuesday as my students looked incredulously at me. "What about dismissal? How can we go out in the rain?" they fretted. Oh, silly children. "Rain or shine, dismissal happens." Upon saying that I was instantly transported to a rainy camp day, the game stations up and running after an indoor breakfast and chapel session while lightning flashed and the rain pounded on the lodge rooftop.

5. this summer brings the promise of a two-week adventure at Arches and Canyonlands, as well as the threat of a two-piece bathing suit...something i haven't squeezed into for 4 years. get ready, Colorado, for my great white belly!

6. in a month i'll be 24. i've started looking at marathon schedules for this's time. i made a promise to myself that i would run 26.2 miles consecutively before i turn 25. this year is the year. it's slightly exhilarating, yet terrifying at the same time. it is such a daunting task, but i know i can make it happen. (plus training will help me get ready for the ominously looming bathing suit season. eek!)

7. i feel like a twelve year old with an adult's to do list. pay my accountant, fill out my census form, write IEP goals, pay the rent, get an oil change, schedule a hair appointment, etc, etc, etc. part of me wants to scribble all over it and run outside to play, but there's another part of me that is filled with pleasure at these mundane tasks. they're now mine.

i am responsible for me.

while at times this can be overwhelming, it's also kind of thrilling, in a way.

don't get me wrong, i don't dig my bank account getting progressively smaller after paying for my apartment, my car, my electricity, my water, and my insurance. but i do enjoy being independent.

8. food poisoning is death. i have never been so sick in my entire life. literally, it took me a week to finally regain my health and normal digestive functioning. i wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy (not that i really have enemies, now that i think about it) even though Phil was a champion and took the day off to take care of me :)

9. the phone never fails to ring while i am doing dishes. though, i vastly increase my odds of the phone ringing while i do dishes by doing dishes all the time. i'm convinced i do more dishes than anyone i know. this may or may not have something to do with my phobia of standing water, and a distinct distaste for dirty dishes piled in sinks.

10. i have puppy fever. i. want. a. puppy. this is compounded by the fact that i live in a state where everyone and their mother has a dog. i could be rapidly approaching puppy malaria status. wooof.

enough of the random listings - it's time for this old lady to hobble off to bed.
it's finally friday eve!



Marky Mark said...

3,4,7, and 10

I feel ya baby.

Miss you and think about you much,

Matthew Larsen said...

#6 Im training to run a marathon in the summer or 2011.
I have been talking to people and they say that the Chicago marathon is a good one to start out with.

here is a great link to help you out with training,7123,s6-238-244-255-0,00.html