Thursday, June 17, 2010

[eye of the tiger]

it's the eye of the tiger
it's the thrill of the fight


[day nine]

*note: this song is playing from the apartment down the hall as i type this. way to set the tone for the day.

storytime, kids. gather round, sit criss-cross-applesauce, and appreciate the goodness in life:

as i was walking into the Y, a small child was singing "YMCA" in only the way a small child can (aka off-key, to themselves, while toddling about).

i laughed out loud, loved my life, and walked inside happy.

then ran 5 miles.

end of story.

happy Thursday (and happy birthday MOM!)

today, i am a runner, a singer, a painter, a dreamer, a lover, a daughter, and a sun-worshiper. what a good day.

love it all.


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