Friday, June 11, 2010

[flying horses]

but if you take a look, a look down the road
you'll see a badger and a one-eyed toad
they won't say a word they'll just look at you
with that wise old look of the old


[day three]

i'm feeling old and creaky and slow today. woke up slow, got out of bed slow, ate break slow...etc. yet it was a wonderful, productive day.

ventured down broadway to pick up a pair of training fins.
worked my legs on the machines and was surprised at the burn i felt, even though i was doing more reps with lower weights.
swam a mile with my new fins (which felt stellar!) and practiced my butterfly kick. one of these dang days i'll get the rhythm down and be able to do the stroke the right way.

i'm feeling what i've been doing - not in a disabling way, but in an achy, my muscles are saying "hey listen to me you've been working out!" kind of way.

it may be time to caffeinate.


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