Thursday, June 10, 2010


baby now that we're alone gotta request
could you make me number one on your playlist?

-lady gaga

[day two]

based on my TrainingPeaks planner for beginners, today was a slow, easy, 4 mile run.


it was easy, up until the point when boredom set in. it's been a while since i've run on a treadmill, and i'm realizing more and more that it's just hard for me to focus - even with the television and a magazine in front of me. it's a piece of cake when i'm outside, there are birds and flowers and people and chances are, i'm lost and trying to figure out how to get back home anyway.

what i'm saying is, i'm much more distracted when i run outside, and i think it's to my benefit. training inside on a treadmill, however, helps me control my pace, which is important considering i have a goal time of about 9 minute mile for the race.

long story made short, i'm going to have to get my focus on. the run felt great for the most part, and i'm really excited to be in training.

off to eat an apple.


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